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Guatemala: Resistance and Historical Memory Lecture & Book Signing

For Members, For The Public

This talk will explore the author’s experiences in documenting and photographing the people of Guatemala. Immediately after the lecture, he will sign copies of his most recent publication, “In Transito: In the Company of Strangers” (2024).

About the Author: Jonathan “Jonás” Moller is an award-winning documentary photographer and human rights activist. He is the author of two books on Guatemala, a book about Peru, a book about the diversity of young Cubans today and a book about the Black Lives Matter movement. His works are included in the collections of many internationally-known museums, including the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, and he has had many solo exhibitions of his work, including at Regis College, Denver (2023).

Free for Museo or Amigos Members

$10 for General admission